Working alongside the founder, I've created femUNITY's brand, lead the art direction of the website, and provided UI/UX input for the health forum platform, as well as created all content and photography for the website and social media.

I directed a photoshoot with women to create photos for company outreach and branding. I created a direction for the day that was ethereal, uplifting, empowering and community centered. We spent the day sharing life stories and how femUNITY brought us together.

Art Direction

The femUNITY logo is a combination of two fonts, and hand written elements combined. The "F" in fem was handwritten to create a unique touch while remaining true to the retro styling of the "em" which is the Palm Canyon Drive font. The "UNITY" of the logotype uses a Domus, a soft, rounded font to work with the soft edges of the "fem" focal point of the logo.


femUNITY is an online platform to help women connect with each other about various feminine health topics in hopes of finding resources within one another.

Women keep their pain, symptoms and feelings to themselves time and time again in fear of being misunderstood or dismissed in a medical setting. Our hope for femUNITY is that we can break the taboo that surrounds talking about women's health. Our goal is to provide a comfortable space for women to share information, make connections, and gain confidence to better advocate for ourselves. 

femUNITY was founded by my good friend Caroline and when she first mentioned her idea of this online community, I felt my own deep personal connection, as a woman, and as a woman with a disease that has been dismissed and misunderstood for years. I knew that femUNITY was something that I could pour in my own expertise, and experience into and help bring this vision to life.





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